All the people behind us for the audience |
This week the JFRC got tickets for us to go to a papal audience. Even before I got my ticket I was really excited to go see Pope Benedict XVI speak. The staff here recommended that we leave by 7:30 am to be able to get a good seat. Since I was really really excited to see the pope I decided to get up really early with a group to make sure that we got fantastic seats. So we got up before 6 am to leave the JFRC by 6:30. That put us at the Vatican by 7 am. We got in line and were very happy to be close to the front of the line although there were two brides and their families (wearing their wedding dresses and waitng to get their marriages blessed) in front of us. We took turns holding our spots in line while we got some breakfast. I had a yummy cream filled doughtnut that kept my spirits up.

When we finally got inside at 8 am a couple people from our group sprinted ahead to save seats and we got the front row. It was so awesome! We were in the front row of the general seating and could see all the bishops and cardinals sitting to the side of the platform where the pope sits and speaks from. We ended up having one extra seat so when Fr. Al, our chaplain, came by he took the seat next to me. He was probably the best person to be sitting next to since he speaks several languages and knew everything that was going on before and during the papal audience. He even said a rosary with me while we waited.
Finally at 10:30, after all our waiting, the pope we came around the corner in his pope-mobile. It was incredible to see him. He looked really happy and kept waving at the crowd. The pope-mobile drove right in front of our seats! He was so close I couldn't even believe it. He waved right at us!
Pope Benedict XVI |
When the audience began the Pope gave a short blessing. I was smiling the whole time, and couldn't stop from being so happy and excited. I was being blessed by the pope! The pope also gave a blessing to all our families and especially those who are sick. Then there was a scripture reading in seven different languages, and the pope gave a reflection in each language. There was also a part when they announced the various groups who had come to the papal audience. When they said Loyola University Chicago everyone in our row jumped up and yelled and clapped, and then the pope waved at all of us. At the end of the audience the pope gave another blessing that blessed any religious articles we had brought.

Seeing the pope is definitely one of the highlights of my experience in Rome so far. It was such a blessed experience, filled with grace and joy. It was an exciting spiritual experience that I will never forget.
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